A BA brasileira usa uma analogia musical para explicar como se pode desenvolver e aplicar uma mentalidade de análise de negócios em diferentes níveis de expertise.
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Feel like your business analysis career has stalled? Not sure what step to take next? Consider joining a membership program that will provide you with resources such as a community and network of
If your company has made it through COVID-19, it’s officially a data company. How technology has shaped the future and here’s why that’s something to celebrate.
Improve your productivity and advance your business analysis career by using emotional intelligence at work. Here’s how.
85% of those seeking IIBA business analysis certifications take online proctored exams. Here’s why these exams are beneficial.
Detailed job descriptions are one of the most undervalued aspects of the hiring process, and one of the biggest roadblocks to getting the quality candidate flow you want.
Own your role as the CEO of your career. When envisioning what career success looks like to you, think about what gives you a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Set your career goals based
What business analysts should include on their resumes to stand out to recruiters. How a resume can help you stand out in the business analysis world.
We all have career objectives but other than our annual performance goals how often do we take the time to conduct a checkup on our professional development? What are we doing to change and grow?
IIBA digital certification and Member badges let your network, peers, and employers know about your ongoing professional development and highlight your commitment to your business analysis