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If your are unable to resolve, please contact info@iiba.org.
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If you still don’t see the correct price in the shopping cart, please contact info@iiba.org
To verify if any courses are a part of our Endorsed Education Provider (EEP™) program, you can perform a search on our website from within the Education and Training section.
You have 12 months from the day IIBA received your exam payment to request a refund. After such time, your exam or exam rewrite fee payment will become non-refundable and you will forfeit the payment.
To request a refund of your exam or exam rewrite fee, please e-mail certification@iiba.org.
Any fees required to cancel your exam still apply. In some situations, the Exam Cancellation/Reschedule/Missed or Late policy may supersede this policy.
To request a refund of your exam or exam rewrite fee payment, you must first cancel your scheduled exam with PSI, and then e-mail your refund request to the Certification team at certification@iiba.org. Please include a reason for your refund request.
Please visit our Chapter page to view information about Chapters and to search for local Chapters. https://www.iiba.org/membership/chapters/
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Please visit Membership Benefits page