How to Ace Your Next Business Analysis Job interview
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Did you know IIBA has a podcast all about Business Analysis? Business analysis is one of the top growing professions today. In the United States, the projected job growth for business analysts is 9% from 2018-2028*. From problem solvers to change agents to advocates, business analysis professionals perform many different roles in organizations and across the globe.
Tune in biweekly on Thursdays, with hosts Scott Bennett, Business Analysis Manager, and Susan Moore, Community Engagement Manager from IIBA®, for Business Analysis Live, a candid practitioner chat breaking down hot topics in business analysis.
In one of the latest episodes, they discussed “Business Analysis Job Interview Questions”.
The top topics touched upon were benefits of listening, practical tips, and advice for those who are preparing for a business analyst job interview.
The episode also features Yulia Kosarenko, a professional business analyst and job interview preparation coach. You can check out her YouTube channel here. During the episode, Yulia shares her insights on how to best prepare for a job interview by focusing on the right questions to ask. She also shares tips on how to make a good impression and stand out from the competition. Here’s a top question for Yulia during the session.
Question: “Typically, one of the first questions that you’re going to get in a business analysts’ interview is why should we hire you?”
Yuila: When I coach business analysts, I ask them that same question and I ask them and I say whenever you hear a question, think about what’s behind this question? What is special about you? How are you different from others? For you to convincingly answer this question you need to know the answer yourself. It’s all about why you truly want to be a business analyst, especially because often we switch careers. Not everyone finished and graduated from school knowing they want to be a business analyst, maybe they’ve done computer science or commerce or political science and then at some point in their career they deviate, and they say oh look at this, I love it, so you have to learn to answer your question yourself. What is it you like about business analysis? What competencies do you have that you think are a good match?”
The episode is pack'd with helpful advice and tips that can help those who are preparing for a business analyst job interview.
Here are some additional key points discussed in the episode:
- The importance of preparing for the job interview and understanding the company’s expectations
- Tips on how to answer questions in a confident and engaging manner
- The importance of researching the company before the interview
- How to make a good first impression
- Strategies for standing out from the competition
Overall, the podcast episode provides valuable insights and advice to those who are preparing for a business analyst job interview.
This is a great resource for anyone looking to get into the industry and land the job of their dreams. We hope this blog post has provided a helpful overview of the podcast episode “Business Analysis Job Interview Questions.” Be sure to listen or watch the full episode for more great tips and advice!
Business Analysis Live! Youtube Channel
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About The Author:

Shyra Wells is the Communications and Media Relations Specialist at IIBA® and has 10+ years of communications experience across Academia, Fintech, Government and Renewable Energy industries. She contributes to the growth of IIBA’s ecosystems through marketing and communications efforts and is passionate about IIBA’s global reach. Originally from Edmonton, but now living an east coast lifestyle in PEI, she enjoys travelling, interior design, spin and exploring with her husband and two pups Keira and Hank!