3 Key Takeaways from the Building Business Capability Conference 2023
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With an impressive lineup of speakers and a diverse range of sessions, ranging from (but not limited to) data and AI, leadership, product ownership, visual thinking, career development, and cybersecurity the conference provided valuable insights for business analysis professionals looking to enhance their skills and stay ahead of the curve. In this blog, we'll delve into some key highlights that emerged from the BBC 2023 conference.
1. Leveraging Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Business Analysis
The era of data-driven decision-making is well underway, and business analysis professionals must embrace data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to uncover valuable insights. The conference sessions emphasized the growing importance of data analysis techniques, such as data mining, predictive modelling, and machine learning, to keep the business informed and drive innovation.Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on everyone’s mind these days and the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) was a key takeaway in this year’s conference. AI is revolutionizing this field, empowering professionals to extract valuable insights, automate processes, and make data-driven decisions more efficiently. AI is reshaping the world of business analysis, by leveraging AI technologies, business analysis professionals can transform data into actionable insights, automate routine tasks, and unlock new opportunities for their organizations. Embracing AI and continuously upskilling in relevant areas will be key to thriving in this exciting era of AI-driven business analysis. However, while incorporating this powerful new technology, keep in mind, AI still needs business analysis and the human touch.
The conference opened with the magnetic keynote session, Navigating the Intersection of AI and Business Analysis Work – ChatGPT and More, hosted by Scott Bennett, Susan A. Moore, and Fabricio Laguna. They took conferencegoers through an interactive conversation exploring the exciting possibilities and challenges of business analysis in the age of AI. They even introduced the Business Analysis Boogie - it was informative and fun, with the whole audience participating!

Watch the Business Analysis Boogie in This Post
2. Enhancing Communication and Collaboration
Effective communication and collaboration skills remain fundamental to successful business analysis. The conference highlighted the importance of building strong relationships with stakeholders, facilitating effective workshops, and employing visualization techniques in the business.By improving communication skills, business analysis professionals can ensure a shared understanding among stakeholders, gather accurate requirements, and foster collaboration across multidisciplinary teams. Several tutorial sessions during BBC 2023 such as Lead Your Team to Victory presented by Jared Gorai and Danelkis Serra, Ensuring Effective Team Collaboration by Kathy Berkridge, and How to Communicate with Executives by Lynn Almoro all tapped into key communication and collaboration elements and provided great takeaways for attendees.
On the theme of collaborating and connecting with the community, IIBA’s 20th anniversary celebrations kicked off with an unforgettable Member reception party at the Building Business Capability (BBC) conference. It was a truly memorable occasion, where there was an opportunity to connect with professionals from around the globe, celebrate their achievements, the profession, and build new relationships. The vibrant atmosphere was a testament to the strong sense of community that has always been at the core of IIBA's values.
Here are some fun highlights of the event:

3. Emphasizing Continuous Learning
The rapidly evolving business landscape demands that business analysis professionals remain proactive in their professional development. The conference emphasized the need for continuous learning and encouraged professionals to stay updated on industry trends, acquire new skills, and embrace emerging technologies. Whether through certifications, online courses, or attending industry events, investing in ongoing learning enables business analysis professionals to stay relevant and adaptable in an ever-changing environment.A notable example of new learnings at BBC included the session, The Backlog is Broken – Here’s How We Can Fix It, presented by Shane Hastie and Steve Adolph. The tutorial introduced a new concept, the Rock Crusher, a flow-based model for backlog management.
In addition to the session, both speakers were on hand in the exhibit hall launching the brand-new publication, The Rock Crusher - A Model for Flow-Based Backlog Management. The book offers an agile approach to backlog management, highlighting the power and simplicity of this essential tool in modern agile organizations. The new publication emphasizes the importance of the backlog as a single repository from which a team pulls its next most valuable work item, enabling agility through the ability to add, remove, reprioritize, and visualize potential work for a product.

The Building Business Capability 2023 conference in Las Vegas provided a wealth of insights for business analysis professionals seeking to enhance their skills and thrive in their roles. From embracing AI and leveraging data analytics to nurturing business acumen and emphasizing continuous learning, the conference reinforced the importance of staying abreast of industry trends and best practices. By incorporating these key takeaways into your continued professional journeys, business analysis professionals can position themselves as invaluable contributors to their organizations' success and drive meaningful change in the ever-evolving business landscape.
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About The Author:

Judy Ward is a highly accomplished professional in the field of event management and planning. With her extensive marketing experience and expertise, she’s obtained both her Certified Meeting Planner and Digital Event Strategist designations. Currently serving as the Events Manager at IIBA®, Judy is responsible for orchestrating successful and impactful events for the global business analysis community that bring together industry experts, thought leaders, and professionals from around the world.